Does OS X (Snow Leopard in particular) have an equivalent to (some versions of) Linux\'s /dev/shm
, ie something where you can write to and read from a file without
You can create and mount a ram based disk as follows:
Create a disk
hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((2 * 1024 * SIZE_IN_MB))
will return the name of the ramdisk.
Format and mount the disk
diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ RAMDisk NAME_OF_DISK
Access the disk under /Volumes/<diskname>
cd /Volumes/RAMDisk && touch testfile.txt && ls
Creating a 100MB ramdisk:
$ hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((2 * 1024 * 100))
$ diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ RAMDisk /dev/disk3
Started erase on disk3
Unmounting disk
Initialized /dev/rdisk3 as a 100 MB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume
Mounting disk
Finished erase on disk3 RAMDisk
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