Within the view that is returned from a URL such as /Controller/Action/1 (assuming the default route of controller/action/id), how can I get access to the ID from within the Vie
I think you can direct use in url action Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"]
Just my two cents, but I always use view models for passing any data to my views. Even if it's as simple as needing an int
like the id.
Doing this makes accessing this value trivial, as MVC does all the work for you.
For what it's worth I typically name my view models as such:
This helps keeps things organized at scale.
An example:
// ~/ViewModels/HomeEditViewModel.cs
public class HomeEditViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
// ~/Controllers/HomeController.cs
public IActionResult Edit(int id)
return View(new HomeEditViewModel() { Id = id });
// ~/Views/Home/Edit.cshtml
@model HomeEditViewModel
<h1>Id: @Model.Id</h1>