You don't say a lot about the remainder of you background. For straight out analysis of algorithms, the methods by which you evaluate an algorithm to find its order statistics and behavior, If you're comfortable with mathematics in general -- say you've had two years of calculus, or a good abstract algebra course -- then you can't really do much better than to read Knuth Volume One.
The usual "Analysis of Algorithms" course is also a data structures course, so a data structures text might be better if you also need to learn about lists, trees, etc. My favorite in graduate school was Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman.
I like Cormen as a reference; it also serves as an admirable doorstop, for the execution of large icky bugs, for clamping small glue joints (the slick cover releases most wood glues), and as an end book because it holds a bookend in place. Wouldn't recommend it as an intro text.