In Drupal 6, it was easy to insert a block into a template with the following code:
$block = module_invoke(\'views\', \'block\', \'view\', \'block_name\');
This work for me:
98 is the id of the block
$block =block_load('block',98);
$output = drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($block))));
print $output;
This worked for my Drupal 7 , URL: admin/structure/block/manage/addthis/addthis_block/configure NOTE:delta and module name present in the url itself
$addblock = module_invoke('addthis','block_view','addthis_block');
print render($addblock['content']);
More information can be found on
Improving wrburgess' answer, you can do it in one line...
<?php print drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array(block_load('module_name', 'block_delta'))))); ?>
So for example, I use block number 6...
<?php print drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array(block_load('block', '6'))))); ?>
This appears to be the solution for inserting blocks into templates for Drupal 7, but it seems a bit clunky and I have no idea about impact on performance:
$block = block_load('views', 'block_name');
$output = drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($block))));
print $output;
If anyone has a better procedure, please do add.
For some reason render()
doesn't work for me, but this does:
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', '1');
echo $block['content'];
Just tested this in drupal 7 and it works:
$bloqueServicios = module_invoke('views', 'block_view', 'servicios-blo_home');
print render($bloqueServicios);
Good luck!