Eclipse startup hang, “Android SDK: resolving error markers”

后端 未结 17 1381
情话喂你 2021-01-30 01:37

I am aware that other people have tried to resolve this issue but have thus far found a suitable answer.

The error is, on start up, eclipse gets hung up on \"Android SDK

  • 2021-01-30 02:22

    I have a simply solution without code. Stop the process "resolving error markers" using the red button, then uncheck Build Automatically (Project -> Build Automatically), close Eclipse and open it again. Check again Build Automatically.

    Sometimes it happen again, then I do this same process. Boring, but it works.

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  • 2021-01-30 02:23

    I solved the issue with this (from your eclipse folder):

    eclipse -clean -refresh

    I followed this url: (but the eclipse command was enough for me)

    There is also another stack question with the same topic and say the same: "Clean all projects in your workspace and restart Eclipse to solve this problem." How to Resolving error markers Eclipse Android SDK

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  • 2021-01-30 02:23

    So on a Mac, with Eclipse ADT, the clean and refresh method did the trick for me. Here are some slight modifications:

    Go to ADT Location (if Android) -> -> MacOS In this directory you should find eclipse. Type the following command and you should be good to go: ./eclipse -clean -refresh

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  • 2021-01-30 02:24

    figured it out a couple days ago and forgot to inform y'all.

    all I needed to do was save the projects to some other directory if you have not already. Delete it from your workspace and also delete the app engine endpoints project.

    Re-import the android project and copy into workspace. set the java build path and everything else (if it says 'project master' control click -> team -> disable) everything should look fine. Then, delete all references to the app engine project, this means folders called 'endpoint-libs/libcontainers...'

    This will break your project everywhere you reference the data model

    Now, re-import the app engine project and make any necessary changes so that it doesn't have build errors (warnings may be OK).

    Control click -> generate cloud endpoint client library. The libraries in the original project will be replaced.

    Not entirely sure what caused this but for the time being it has been working beautifully.

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  • 2021-01-30 02:25

    To me, nothing helped but then I went to .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime and deleted files:

    Eclipse started normally again.

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