Better to have huge Controllers, or many controllers, in MVC?

后端 未结 7 1158
-上瘾入骨i 2021-01-30 01:23

We are building a fairly large HR application in ASP.NET MVC, and so far our controllers are becoming quite large. For example, we have an Employee controller, and all employee

  • 2021-01-30 02:02

    Why not group them?

    Have a structure like,


    Now you can have one payroll controller handling payroll related actions and a general controller which handles regular details of an employee.

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  • 2021-01-30 02:04

    Another approach we've been using is having a ControllerBase to keep cross-cutting concerns in a common place for CRUD operations. This controller declares the common operations and includes extension points for the specific entity stuff. We had too many code duplication without something like this.

    Then, you inherit this controller and create one per entity. And yes, there are many controllers but having so many screens, I don't think it will be the main problem.

    Most of the actions accept a complex Model and we play then with the model binders to remove clutter from the controllers. You can see a good post about that here.

    Then, using areas like @Odd suggests is a good idea, at least to separate the views because when you have a lot of them is a mess.

    Hopefully ASP.NET MVC v2 will bring us areas and encapsulating views in different assemblies (actually that can be done now extending the VirtualPathProvider class).

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  • 2021-01-30 02:06

    Partial classes allow you to spread your class across multiple files. That way you can group relevant areas of your controller into separate files, and yet they'll all still be part of the same controller. e.g.


    public partial class EmployeeController
        public ActionResult Deduct()
        // etc


    public partial class EmployeeController
        public ActionResult GiveBenefit()
        // etc
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  • 2021-01-30 02:12

    Controllers are meant to be containers for actions under one context. I.E. a customer controller would have actions pertaining to controlling customers. This is particularly suited to CRUD. I would go with fewer larger controllers for this reason. That said, it is really up to you as the application architect to choose the way that best suits your code and just because it is more common to do it one way doesn't mean you have to.

    If you have large amounts of code I would suggest you look into ASP.NET MVC areas. You can find excellent posts about it Here in Scott Gu's blog and Here in Steve Sanderson's blog. If you have so many controllers, it might be suitable for you.

    Just had a thought after re-reading your post, I suspect your example doesn't come close to the level of complication you have in your code. Perhaps it might help if you posted a situation where you were unsure whether or not it was a good idea to split your controller that is more specific (and less CRUDDY, because CRUD is fairly straight forward).

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  • 2021-01-30 02:14

    In my humble opinion, if you are keeping the code in your controllers down then it doesn't really matter.

    Most of your code would be happening in a business layer somewhere right? If that's the case then all you are really doing in your controller is returning data to the view. As it should be.

    Not really sure if I'm a fan of seperating the controllers into subtypes. Whilst you should maintain seperation of concerns I think subtypes is going a little too far.

    You could take a look at this post to see if it helps. Same View Different Paths

    That may be a better solution than using a subtype approach that you suggested.

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  • 2021-01-30 02:19

    I would not want to have 50 controllers. Right now I have 16 in my application and that feels ok. If you have 50 controllers you will also have 50 toplevel folders for views. It will be hard to find the view and controller you need to work on. As others mentioned actions are typically short and its not that bad to have a couple of them in your controller.

    I tried to have 1 controller by system part. I define a system part by taking my database schema and drawing a line around tables that belong together.

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