How much null checking is enough?

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清酒与你 2021-01-30 01:10

What are some guidelines for when it is not necessary to check for a null?

A lot of the inherited code I\'ve been working on as of late has null-checks

  • 2021-01-30 01:22

    If I receive a pointer that is not guaranteed by language to be not null, and am going to de-reference it in a way that null will break me, or pass out put my function where I said I wouldn't produce NULLs, I check for NULL.

    It is not just about NULLs, a function should check pre- and post-conditions if possible.

    It doesn't matter at all if a contract of the function that gave me the pointer says it'll never produce nulls. We all make bugs. There's a good rule that a program shall fail early and often, so instead of passing the bug to another module and have it fail, I'll fail in place. Makes things so much easier to debug when testing. Also in critical systems makes it easier to keep the system sane.

    Also, if an exception escapes main, stack may not be rolled up, preventing destructors from running at all (see C++ standard on terminate()). Which may be serious. So leaving bad_alloc unchecked can be more dangerous than it seems.

    Fail with assert vs. fail with a run time error is quite a different topic.

    Checking for NULL after new() if standard new() behavior has not been altered to return NULL instead of throwing seems obsolete.

    There's another problem, which is that even if malloc returned a valid pointer, it doesn't yet mean you have allocated memory and can use it. But that is another story.

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  • 2021-01-30 01:26

    First note that this a special case of contract-checking: you're writing code that does nothing other than validate at runtime that a documented contract is met. Failure means that some code somewhere is faulty.

    I'm always slightly dubious about implementing special cases of a more generally useful concept. Contract checking is useful because it catches programming errors the first time they cross an API boundary. What's so special about nulls that means they're the only part of the contract you care to check? Still,

    On the subject of input validation:

    null is special in Java: a lot of Java APIs are written such that null is the only invalid value that it's even possible to pass into a given method call. In such cases a null check "fully validates" the input, so the full argument in favour of contract checking applies.

    In C++, on the other hand, NULL is only one of nearly 2^32 (2^64 on newer architectures) invalid values that a pointer parameter could take, since almost all addresses are not of objects of the correct type. You can't "fully validate" your input unless you have a list somewhere of all objects of that type.

    The question then becomes, is NULL a sufficiently common invalid input to get special treatment that (foo *)(-1) doesn't get?

    Unlike Java, fields don't get auto-initialized to NULL, so a garbage uninitialized value is just as plausible as NULL. But sometimes C++ objects have pointer members which are explicitly NULL-inited, meaning "I don't have one yet". If your caller does this, then there is a significant class of programming errors which can be diagnosed by a NULL check. An exception may be easier for them to debug than a page fault in a library they don't have the source for. So if you don't mind the code bloat, it might be helpful. But it's your caller you should be thinking of, not yourself - this isn't defensive coding, because it only 'defends' against NULL, not against (foo *)(-1).

    If NULL isn't a valid input, you could consider taking the parameter by reference rather than pointer, but a lot of coding styles disapprove of non-const reference parameters. And if the caller passes you *fooptr, where fooptr is NULL, then it has done nobody any good anyway. What you're trying to do is squeeze a bit more documentation into the function signature, in the hope that your caller is more likely to think "hmm, might fooptr be null here?" when they have to explicitly dereference it, than if they just pass it to you as a pointer. It only goes so far, but as far as it goes it might help.

    I don't know C#, but I understand that it's like Java in that references are guaranteed to have valid values (in safe code, at least), but unlike Java in that not all types have a NULL value. So I'd guess that null checks there are rarely worth it: if you're in safe code then don't use a nullable type unless null is a valid input, and if you're in unsafe code then the same reasoning applies as in C++.

    On the subject of output validation:

    A similar issue arises: in Java you can "fully validate" the output by knowing its type, and that the value isn't null. In C++, you can't "fully validate" the output with a NULL check - for all you know the function returned a pointer to an object on its own stack which has just been unwound. But if NULL is a common invalid return due to the constructs typically used by the author of the callee code, then checking it will help.

    In all cases:

    Use assertions rather than "real code" to check contracts where possible - once your app is working, you probably don't want the code bloat of every callee checking all its inputs, and every caller checking its return values.

    In the case of writing code which is portable to non-standard C++ implementations, then instead of the code in the question which checks for null and also catches the exception, I'd probably have a function like this:

    template<typename T>
    static inline void nullcheck(T *ptr) { 
            if (ptr == NULL) throw std::bad_alloc();

    Then as one of the list of things you do when porting to a new system, you define PLATFORM_TRAITS_NEW_RETURNS_NULL (and maybe some other PLATFORM_TRAITS) correctly. Obviously you can write a header which does this for all the compilers you know about. If someone takes your code and compiles it on a non-standard C++ implementation that you know nothing about, they're fundamentally on their own for bigger reasons than this, so they'll have to do it themselves.

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  • 2021-01-30 01:28

    It's widely known that there are procedure-oriented people (focus on doing things the right way) and results-oriented people (get the right answer). Most of us lie somewhere in the middle. Looks like you've found an outlier for procedure-oriented. These people would say "anything's possible unless you understand things perfectly; so prepare for anything." For them, what you see is done properly. For them if you change it, they'll worry because the ducks aren't all lined up.

    When working on someone else's code, I try to make sure I know two things.
    1. What the programmer intended
    2. Why they wrote the code the way they did

    For following up on Type A programmers, maybe this helps.

    So "How much is enough" ends up being a social question as much as a technical question - there's no agreed-upon way to measure it.

    (It drives me nuts too.)

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  • 2021-01-30 01:29

    NULL checking in general is evil as it's add a small negative token to the code testability. With NULL checks everywhere you can't use "pass null" technique and it will hit you when unit testing. It's better to have unit test for the method than null check.

    Check out decent presentation on that issue and unit testing in general by Misko Hevery at

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  • 2021-01-30 01:31

    My first problem with this, is that it leads to code which is littered with null checks and the likes. It hurts readability, and i’d even go as far as to say that it hurts maintainability because it really is easy to forget a null check if you’re writing a piece of code where a certain reference really should never be null. And you just know that the null checks will be missing in some places. Which actually makes debugging harder than it needs to be. Had the original exception not been caught and replaced with a faulty return value, then we would’ve gotten a valuable exception object with an informative stacktrace. What does a missing null check give you? A NullReferenceException in a piece of code that makes you go: wtf? this reference should never be null!

    So then you need to start figuring out how the code was called, and why the reference could possibly be null. This can take a lot of time and really hurts the efficiency of your debugging efforts. Eventually you’ll figure out the real problem, but odds are that it was hidden pretty deeply and you spent a lot more time searching for it than you should have.

    Another problem with null checks all over the place is that some developers don’t really take the time to properly think about the real problem when they get a NullReferenceException. I’ve actually seen quite a few developers just add a null check above the code where the NullReferenceException occurred. Great, the exception no longer occurs! Hurray! We can go home now! Umm… how bout ‘no you can’t and you deserve an elbow to the face’? The real bug might not cause an exception anymore, but now you probably have missing or faulty behavior… and no exception! Which is even more painful and takes even more time to debug.

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  • 2021-01-30 01:33

    I only check for NULL when I know what to do when I see NULL. "Know what to do" here means "know how to avoid a crash" or "know what to tell the user besides the location of the crash". For example, if malloc() returns NULL, I usually have no option but to abort the program. On the other hand, if fopen() returns NULL, I can let the user know the file name that could not be open and may be errno. And if find() returns end(), I usually know how to continue without crashing.

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