Eclipse IDE view gone - how to get it back

后端 未结 16 1920
面向向阳花 2021-01-30 00:30

I basically have multiple monitors and did some changes today. As such, the views on one of my monitors (specifically the console view) is no longer there. I can\'t seem to find

  • 2021-01-30 01:07

    Tested under Windows 7 with "Console"-view

    Select in menu Window -> Show View -> Console

    The main window becomes inactive and invisible Console-window is now active.

    Now, press Alt+Space combination and somewhere on main Display appears small menu with window-controls.

    Select "Maximize" and the hidden window becomes maximized on main Display. Now just drag the view with mouse to the main eclipse window.

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  • 2021-01-30 01:08

    I solved this problem by removing the attribute toBeRendered="false" from the element with elementId="org.eclipse.e4.primaryDataStack" in the workbench.xmi file.

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  • 2021-01-30 01:09

    This is a naïve answer and may not be possible in every case, but it worked for me and turned out to be less hassle than I thought:

    I simply changed my OS's monitor setup to bring the windows back to within reach, dragged them back to the main screen, changed my monitor setup back to reality, and dragged the windows to my monitor's new position. Certainly easier than setting my perspective back up from scratch!

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  • 2021-01-30 01:12

    Use CTL+F7 to cycle through the Eclipse Views, select one that is on the hidden detached view group, then press ALT+<space>, M and use the keyboard arrows to position this window onto your active screen.

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  • 2021-01-30 01:12

    This has been one of the most annoying and long-lasting bugs in Eclipse for me. I still don't know why this happens, but my solution (similar to @cyber-monk) is the following:

    1. Open Window -> Show View -> Console (activates the console window, but it's still hidden).
    2. Alt-Space (activates the context menu).
    3. Select maximize (actually shows the console window).

    This works, since I have the console window open on the second screen as in the question. Not sure if this bug happens when console is not in a separate window.

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  • 2021-01-30 01:14

    If you're just missing a view, you can use the menu item: Window->Show View->Console. No need to reset the perspective.

    Alternatively, Ctrl-3 and type Console <enter>.

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