I am implementing a CLI tool using Perl. What are the best-practices we can follow here?
As a preface, I spent 3 years engineering and implementing a pretty complicated command line toolset in Perl for a major financial company. The ideas below are basically part of our team's design guidelines.
Command line option: allow as many as possible have default values.
NO positional parameters for any command that has more than 2 options.
Have readable options names. If length of command line is a concern for non-interactive calling (e.g. some un-named legacy shells have short limits on command lines), provide short aliases - GetOpt::Long allows that easily.
At the very least, print all options' default values in '-help' message.
Better yet, print all the options' "current" values (e.g. if a parameter and a value are supplied along with "-help", the help message will print parameter's value from command line). That way, people can assemble command line string for complicated command and verify it by appending "-help", before actually running.
Follow Unix standard convention of exiting with non-zero return code if program terminated with errors.
If your program may produce useful (e.g. worth capturing/grepping/whatnot) output, make sure any error/diagnostic messages go to STDERR so they are easily separable.
Ideally, allow the user to specify input/output files via command line parameter, instead of forcing "<" / ">" redirects - this allows MUCH simpler life to people who need to build complicated pipes using your command. Ditto for error messages - have logfile option.
If a command has side effect, having a "whatif/no_post" option is usually a Very Good Idea.
As noted previously, don't re-invent the wheel. Use standard command line parameter handling modules - MooseX::Getopt, or Getopt::Long
For Getopt::Long, assign all the parameters to a single hash as opposed to individual variables. Many useful patterns include passing that CLI args hash to object constructors.
Make sure your error messages are clear and informative... E.g. include "$!" in any IO-related error messages. It's worth expending extra 1 minute and 2 lines in your code to have a separate "file not found" vs. "file not readable" errors, as opposed to spending 30 minutes in production emergency because a non-readable file error was misdiagnosed by Production Operations as "No input file" - this is a real life example.
Not really CLI-specific, but validate all parameters, ideally right after getting them. CLI doesn't allow for a "front-end" validation like webapps do, so be super extra vigilant.
As discussed above, modularize business logic. Among other reasons already listed, the amount of times I had to re-implement an existing CLI tool as a web app is vast - and not that difficult if the logic is already a properly designed perm module.
CLI Design Patterns - I think this is ESR's
I will try to add more bullets as I recall them.