I just watched Stephan T. Lavavej talk at CppCon 2018
on \"Class Template Argument Deduction\", where at some point he incidentally says:
Here is at least one case:
struct foo {
template<class T>
operator T() const {
std::cout << sizeof(T) << "\n";
return {};
if you do foo f; int x = f; double y = f;
, type information will flow "backwards" to figure out what T
is in operator T
You can use this in a more advanced way:
template<class T>
struct tag_t {using type=T;};
template<class F>
struct deduce_return_t {
F f;
template<class T>
operator T()&&{ return std::forward<F>(f)(tag_t<T>{}); }
template<class F>
auto construct_from( Args&&... args ) {
return deduce_return_t{ [&](auto ret){
using R=typename decltype(ret)::type;
return R{ std::forward<Args>(args)... };
so now I can do
std::vector<int> v = construct_from( 1, 2, 3 );
and it works.
Of course, why not just do {1,2,3}
? Well, {1,2,3}
isn't an expression.
std::vector<std::vector<int>> v;
v.emplace_back( construct_from(1,2,3) );
which, admittedly, require a bit more wizardry: Live example. (I have to make the deduce return do a SFINAE check of F, then make the F be SFINAE friendly, and I have to block std::initializer_list in deduce_return_t operator T.)
Stephan T. Lavavej explained the case he was talking about in a tweet:
The case I was thinking of is where you can take the address of an overloaded/templated function and if it’s being used to initialize a variable of a specific type, that will disambiguate which one you want. (There’s a list of what disambiguates.)
we can see examples of this from cppreference page on Address of overloaded function, I have excepted a few below:
int f(int) { return 1; }
int f(double) { return 2; }
void g( int(&f1)(int), int(*f2)(double) ) {}
int main(){
g(f, f); // selects int f(int) for the 1st argument
// and int f(double) for the second
auto foo = []() -> int (*)(int) {
return f; // selects int f(int)
auto p = static_cast<int(*)(int)>(f); // selects int f(int)
Michael Park adds:
It's not limited to initializing a concrete type, either. It could also infer just from the number of arguments
and provides this live example:
void overload(int, int) {}
void overload(int, int, int) {}
template <typename T1, typename T2,
typename A1, typename A2>
void f(void (*)(T1, T2), A1&&, A2&&) {}
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3,
typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
void f(void (*)(T1, T2, T3), A1&&, A2&&, A3&&) {}
int main () {
f(&overload, 1, 2);
which I elaborate a little more here.
I believe in static casting of overloaded functions the flow goes the opposite direction as in usual overload resolution. So one of those is backwards, I guess.