We want to build a Javascript/HTML gui for our gRPC-microservices. Since gRPC is not supported on the browser side, we thought of using web-sockets to connect to a node.js serve
Looking at the current solutions with gRPC over web, here is what's available out there at the time of writing this (and what I found):
I also want to shamelessly plug my own solution which I wrote for my company and it's being used in production to proxy requests to a gRPC service that only includes unary and server streaming calls:
Every inch of the code is covered by tests. It's an Express middleware so it needs no additional modifications to your gRPC setup. You can also delegate HTTP authentication to Express (e.g with Passport).
An official grpc-web (beta) implementation was released on 3/23/2018. You can find it at
The following instructions are taken from the README:
service EchoService {
rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);
rpc ServerStreamingEcho(ServerStreamingEchoRequest)
returns (stream ServerStreamingEchoResponse);
var echoService = new proto.grpc.gateway.testing.EchoServiceClient(
var unaryRequest = new proto.grpc.gateway.testing.EchoRequest();
echoService.echo(unaryRequest, {},
function(err, response) {
var stream = echoService.serverStreamingEcho(streamRequest, {});
stream.on('data', function(response) {
This is a work in progress and on the grpc-web roadmap. While there is an example protobuf showing bidi streaming, this comment make it clear that this example doesn't actually work yet.
Hopefully this will change soon. :)