I am trying to do something that is probable very simple. I would like to save three arrays to a file as columns using \'np.savetxt\' When I try this
x = [1,2,3
Use numpy.c_[]:
np.savetxt('myfile.txt', np.c_[x,y,z])
Use zip:
np.savetxt('myfile2.txt', zip(x,y,z), fmt='%.18g')
For python3 list+zip:
np.savetxt('myfile.txt', list(zip(x,y,z)), fmt='%.18g')
To understand the workaround see here: How can I get the "old" zip() in Python3? and https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5951.
Use numpy.transpose()
np.savetxt('myfile.txt', np.transpose([x,y,z]))
I find this more intuitive than using np.c_[]
I find numpy.column_stack()
most intuitive:
np.savetxt('myfile.txt', np.column_stack([x,y,z]))