I\'m new to ansible and wonder how to do so as the following didn\'t work
ansible-playbook -i \',\' yada-yada.yml --tags \'loaddata\' django_fixtures=\"t
ansible-playbook test.yml --extra-vars "arg1=${var1} arg2=${var2}"
In the yml file you can use them like this
arg1: "{{ var1 }}"
arg2: "{{ var2 }}"
Also, --extra-vars
and -e
are the same, you can use one of them.
This also worked for me if you want to use shell environment variables:
ansible-playbook -i "localhost," ldap.yaml --extra-vars="LDAP_HOST={{ lookup('env', 'LDAP_HOST') }} clustername=mycluster env=dev LDAP_USERNAME={{ lookup('env', 'LDAP_USERNAME') }} LDAP_PASSWORD={{ lookup('env', 'LDAP_PASSWORD') }}"
ansible-playbook release.yml -e "version=1.23.45 other_variable=foo"
For some reason none of the above Answers worked for me. As I need to pass several extra vars to my playbook in Ansbile 2.2.0, this is how I got it working (note the -e option before each var):
ansible-playbook site.yaml -i hostinv -e firstvar=false -e second_var=value2