I have a good idea take this code to make a cool WYSIWYG editor-
To make a nice editor I have made a code with JavaScript that will open a new window containing the result-
Let's start with the Body-
<textarea style="height:400px;width:750px;overflow:auto;"onblur="x=this.value"></textarea>
<br />
<button onclick="ShowResult()">see result!</button>
Now we continue with the JavaScript-
function ShowResult()
my_window = window.open("about:blank", "mywindow1");
//By the above line code we have opened a new window
//Here we have added the value of the textarea to the new window
Let's see the code on-whole:-
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowResult()
my_window = window.open("about:blank", "mywindow1");
<textarea style="height:400px;width:750px;overflow:auto;" onblur="x=this.value">
</textarea><br />
<button onclick="ShowResult()">see result!</button>
If i can help you in any way i am very happy doing that.
Thank you for asking this question and for increasing my curiosity towards JavaScript.