How can I increase the key repeat rate beyond the OS's limit?

前端 未结 15 1844
攒了一身酷 2021-01-29 21:16

I have a bad habit of using the cursor keys of my keyboard to navigate source code. It\'s something I\'ve done for 15 years and this of course means that my navigating speed is

  • 2021-01-29 21:33

    On Mac, it's option-arrow to skip a word and option+shift+arrow to select. Command+arrow skips to the end or beginning of a line or the end or beginning of a document. There are also the page up, page down, home and end keys ;) Holding shift selects with those too.

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  • 2021-01-29 21:34

    Although the question is several years old, I still come across the same issue from time to time in several different developer sites. So I thought I may contribute an alternative solution, which I use for my everyday-developer-work (since the Windows registry settings never worked for me).

    The following is my small Autorepeat-Script (~ 125 lines), which can be run via AutoHotkey_L (the downside is, it only runs under Windows, at least Vista, 7, 8.1):

    ; ====================================================================
    ; DeveloperTools - Autorepeat Key Script
    ; This script provides a mechanism to do key-autorepeat way faster
    ; than the Windows OS would allow. There are some registry settings
    ; in Windows to tweak the key-repeat-rate, but according to widely 
    ; spread user feedback, the registry-solution does not work on all 
    ; systems.
    ; See the "Hotkeys" section below. Currently (Version 1.0), there
    ; are only the arrow keys mapped for faster autorepeat (including 
    ; the control and shift modifiers). Feel free to add your own 
    ; hotkeys.
    ; You need AutoHotkey ( to run this script.
    ; Tested compatibility: AutoHotkey_L, Version v1.1.08.01
    ; (AutoHotkey Copyright © 2004 - 2013 Chris Mallet and 
    ; others - not me!)
    ; @author   Timo Rumland <timo.rumland ${at}>, 2014-01-05
    ; @version  1.0
    ; @updated  2014-01-05
    ; @license  The MIT License (MIT)
    ;           (
    ; ====================================================================
    ; ================
    ; Script Settings
    ; ================
    #SingleInstance     force
    SendMode            Input 
    SetWorkingDir       %A_ScriptDir%
    ; Instantiate the DeveloperTools defined below the hotkey definitions
    developerTools      :=  new DeveloperTools()
    ; ========
    ; Hotkeys
    ; ========
        ; -------------------
        ; AutoRepeat Hotkeys
        ; -------------------
            DeveloperTools.startAutorepeatKeyTimer( "" )
            DeveloperTools.startAutorepeatKeyTimer( "+" )
            DeveloperTools.startAutorepeatKeyTimer( "^" )
        ; -------------------------------------------------------
        ; Jump label used by the hotkeys above. This is how 
        ; AutoHotkey provides "threads" or thread-like behavior.
        ; -------------------------------------------------------
            SetTimer , , Off
    ; ========
    ; Classes
    ; ========
        class DeveloperTools
            ; Configurable by user
            autoRepeatDelayMs       :=  180
            autoRepeatRateMs        :=  40
            ; Used internally by the script
            repeatKey               :=  ""
            repeatSendString        :=  ""
            keyModifierBaseLength   :=  2
            ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ; Starts the autorepeat of the current captured hotkey (A_ThisHotKey). The given
            ; 'keyModifierString' is used for parsing the real key (without hotkey modifiers
            ; like "~" or "$").
            ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            startAutorepeatKeyTimer( keyModifierString )
                keyModifierLength := this.keyModifierBaseLength + StrLen( keyModifierString )
                this.repeatKey := SubStr( A_ThisHotkey, keyModifierLength + 1 )
                this.repeatSendString := keyModifierString . "{" . this.repeatKey . "}"
                SetTimer DeveloperTools_AutoRepeatKey, % this.autoRepeatDelayMs
            ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            ; Starts the loop which repeats the key, resulting in a much faster 
            ; autorepeat rate than Windows provides. Internally used by the script
            ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                while ( GetKeyState( this.repeatKey, "P" ) )
                    Send % this.repeatSendString
                    Sleep this.autoRepeatRateMs
    1. Save the code above in a text file (UTF-8), for example named "AutorepeatScript.ahk"
    2. Install AutoHotkey_L
    3. Double click on "AutorepeatScript.ahk" to enjoy much fast arrow-keys (or put the file into your autostart-folder)

    (You can adjust the repeat delay and rate in the script, see '; Configurable by user').

    Hope this helps!

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  • 2021-01-29 21:34

    Well, it might be obvious, but:

    • For horizontal navigation, Home (line start), End (line end), Ctrl-Left (word left), Ctrl-Right (word right) work in all editors I know

    • For vertical navigation, Page Up, Page Down, Ctrl-Home (text start), Ctrl-End (text end) do too

    Also (on a side note), I would like to force my Backspace and Delete keys to non-repeat, so that the only way to delete (or replace) text would be to first mark it, then delete it (or type the replacement text).

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  • 2021-01-29 21:37

    I don't know how to accelerate beyond the limit, but I know how to skip further in a single press. My knowledge is only in Windows, as I have no Mac to do this in. Ctrl + Arrow skips a word, and depending on the editor it may just skip to the next section of whitespace. You can also use Ctrl + Shift + Arrow to select a word in any direction.

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  • 2021-01-29 21:40

    On Mac OS X, open the Global Preferences plist

    open ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist

    Then change the KeyRepeat field. Smaller numbers will speed up your cursor rate. The settings dialog will only set it to a minimum of 2, so if you go to 0 or 1, you'll get a faster cursor.

    I had to reboot for this to take effect.

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  • 2021-01-29 21:40

    Many times I want to center a function in my window. Scrolling is the only way. Also, Ctrl-left/right can still be slow in code where there are a lot of non-word characters. I use keyboardking also. It has a couple of isssues for me though. One, it sometimes uses the default speed instead of the actual value I set. The other is sometimes it ignores the initial delay. I still find it very useful though. They said 4 years ago they would release the source in 6 months... :(

    Ok, on the suggestion of someone that modified HCU\...\Keyboard Response, this works well for me.

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response]

    Windows standard AutoRepeat delay. 13 ms (77 char/sec) repeat rate. flags turns on FilterKeys? These values are read at login. Remember to log out and back in for this to take effect.

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