How do I disable Perfwatson in VS 2019? Perfwatson is not disabled by Tools > Extensions and Updates > Developer Analytics Tools.
You can do it via the registry. For a 64 bit OS, the key is at
And for a 32 bit OS, at:
For Group Policy management (settings from IT department), it's
The key name is OptIn
), and you need to set it to 0 to disable.
(On a 64 bit OS machine not managed by a group policy), fire up an admin command prompt and just
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VSCommon\15.0\SQM /v OptIn /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
You may have to close and restart all visual studio related processes (or reboot) for the change to bite.
See the next answer to disable it from the registry.