The biggest improvement came when I started using AsyncCalls to convert single-threaded applications that used to freeze up the UI, into (sort of) multi-threaded apps.
Although AsyncCalls can do a lot more, I've found it useful for this very simple purpose. Let's say you have a subroutine blocked like this: Disable Button, Do Work, Enable Button.
You move the 'Do Work' part to a local function (call it AsyncDoWork), and add four lines of code:
var a: IAsyncCall;
a := LocalAsyncCall(@AsyncDoWork);
while (NOT a.Finished) do
What this does for you is run AsyncDoWork in a separate thread, while your main thread remains available to respond to the UI (like dragging the window or clicking Abort.) When AsyncDoWork is finished the code continues. Because I moved it to a local function, all local vars are available, an the code does not need to be changed.
This is a very limited type of 'multi-threading'. Specifically, it's dual threading. You must ensure that your Async function and the UI do not both access the same VCL components or data structures. (I disable all controls except the stop button.)
I don't use this to write new programs. It's just a really quick & easy way to make old programs more responsive.