How To: Pattern Recognition

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-上瘾入骨i 2021-01-29 20:34

I\'m interested in learning more about pattern recognition. I know that\'s somewhat of a broad field, so I\'ll list some specific types of problems I would like to learn to dea

  • 2021-01-29 20:44

    OpenCV has some functions for pattern recognition in images.

    You might want to look at this : (broken link: closest thing in the new doc is, although it is no longer what I'd call helpful documentation for a beginner - see other answers)

    However, I also recommend starting with Matlab because openCV is not intuitive to use.

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  • 2021-01-29 20:45

    I would recommend starting with some MATLAB toolbox. MATLAB is an especially convenient place to start playing around with stuff like this due to its interactive console. A nice toolbox I personally used and really liked is PRTools (; they have an implementation of pretty much every pattern recognition tool and also some other machine learning tools (Neural Networks, etc.). But the nice thing about MATLAB is that there are many other toolboxes as well you can try out (there is even a proprietary toolbox from Mathworks)

    Whenever you feel comfortable enough with the different tools (and found out which classifier is perfomring best for you problem), you can start thinking about implementing the machine learning in a different application.

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  • 2021-01-29 20:49

    Hidden Markov Models are a great place to look, as well as Artificial Neural Networks.

    Edit: You could take a look at NeuronDotNet, it's open source and you could poke around the code.

    Edit 2: You can also take a look at ITK, it's also open source and implements a lot of these types of algorithms.

    Edit 3: Here's a pretty good intro to neural nets. It covers a lot of the basics and includes source code (albeit in C++). He implemented an unsupervised learning algorithm, I think you may be looking for a supervised backpropagation algorithm to train your network.

    Edit 4: Another good intro, avoids really heavy math, but provides references to a lot of that detail at the bottom, if you want to dig into it. Includes pseudo-code, good diagrams, and a lengthy description of backpropagation.

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  • 2021-01-29 20:55

    I am not an expert on this, but reading about Hidden Markov Models is a good way to start.

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  • 2021-01-29 20:56

    This is kind of an old question, but it's relevant so I figured I'd post it here :-) Stanford began offering an online Machine Learning class here -

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  • 2021-01-29 21:01

    Beware false patterns! For any decently large data set you will find subsets that appear to have pattern, even if it is a data set of coin flips. No good process for pattern recognition should be without statistical techniques to assess confidence that the detected patterns are real. When possible, run your algorithms on random data to see what patterns they detect. These experiments will give you a baseline for the strength of a pattern that can be found in random (a.k.a "null") data. This kind of technique can help you assess the "false discovery rate" for your findings.

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