The version numbers should be meaning to you as Arrieta correctly commented before.
Maybe following something like: First # is mayor release, Second # is the same mayor release with some features added and Third # is the same mayor release, with the same features but with fixed bugs or added little (but significant enough) changes.
1.3.2 => 1st Release, with more features and some bugs fixed.
However, for final users, some are used to big numbers for final releases.
For instance:
Corel 8, for 8.0.0, 8.0.1, 8.2.2, etc.
Corel 9, for 9.0.0...etc.
And mostly is more about marketing strategies like: Corel X5 instead of Corel 15.0.2 for instance.
I would say that it depends whether the version number is for you or for the client.