Here is the issues about the frameworks nowadays.
When you come here from google searching "best", "fastest" framework blah, blah, people will drop a line says "Hey, you should try this sails.js, feathers, Derby etc..."
Ok The question is:
- Are you just for fun with those frameworks - if yes, you can easily get a list of frameworks and then start to benchmark them whatsoever.
- I am assuming most of people are "I want to build a product, build a site can make money in the future, or at least it will become popular";
Ok, all you search keywords and attentions here is wrong, try to search "production ready", "enterprise ready", "case study" those keywords then, or maybe go to and search node.js, further dig out what node.js framework most companies using, the answer maybe just simply say "express".
if so, From node.js stack, The frameworks will pretty much be narrowed down a few of them: Hapi, Strongloop, or even not popular one Mojito from Yahoo
For Those frameworks at least you can tell - "They are really production or enterprise ready" - cos' they have been using form Walmart, from Yahoo, from other big giants from some time, some even for couple of years.
Can this explain why Ruby on rails and Django still dominate the full stack framework markets? even you see lots of "cool" frameworks keeping on coming to the market, Meteor, Sails.js, Go's Revel, Java's Play Spark whatever you can name - It doesn't mean these frameworks worse than the two, just mean they need time to win the market.
Another problems lots of the current frameworks are a kind of all-in-one, clone of "Ror"; From the end user's prospect, They just need a thing to help them get things done, need productive, need something to work from the begin to the end, like Ruby on Rails, like MacOS, like windows, like anything itself which has been tested by the time, has been daily used by people.