For my more significant selects, the search box in Select2 is wonderful. However, in one instance, I have a simple selection of 4 hard-coded choices. In this case, the search bo
If you have multi attribute in your select, this dirty hack works:
var multipleSelect = $('select[name="list_type"]');
multipleSelect.on('change', function(){
see docs here
//Disable a search on particular selector
placeholder: "ÁREAS(todas)",
tags: true,
containerCssClass: "area_disable_search_input" // I add new class
//readonly prop to selector class
$(".area_disable_search_input input").prop("readonly", true);
I like to do this dynamically depending on the number of options in the select; to hide the search for selects with 10 or fewer results, I do:
$fewResults = $("select>option:nth-child(11)").closest("select");
$('select').not($fewResults).select2({ minimumResultsForSearch : -1 });
Removing the inputs with jQuery works for me:
$(".select2-search, .select2-focusser").remove();
You can try this
$('#select_id').select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: -1 });
it closes the search results box and then set control unvisible
You can check here in select2 document select2 documents
I edited the select2.min.js
file to set the select-2__search
input field that's generated to readonly="true"