I\'m using the Mac OS to install the XCode10.1.
I have 18.43GB free disk space in the mac,
but when I click the install button on the Xcode from the app store,<
Same thing here, tried most of the above. 107 gigs of space free, but not enough to install.
So I downloaded Xcode from Apple directly (https://developer.apple.com/download/more/) and copied the .xip file to an external driven with lots of space.
I was then able to do this:
cd /Applications
xip -x "/Volumes/Blue 2T/Xcode_11.3.xip"
Don't forget to get rid of the xip file when you're done.
Open finder: in menu above go to -> Go to folder:
Delete old simulator files on:
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/
Delete all files derived data on:
An easy way to accomplish these is by using DevCleaner for Xcode: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/devcleaner/id1388020431?mt=12
the problem with time machine! please remove old snapshoots
sudo tmutil listlocalsnapshots /
tmutil deletelocalsnapshots 2019-09-25-135035
tmutil deletelocalsnapshots 2019-09-28-232824
Additionally, Check the previous Xcode consumed storage through OmniDiskSweeper and delete unnecessary data and simulators that will free up too much size.
What you can also do is manually download Xcode and install it. (Without using the app store update) Therefor do the following steps:
See also this post here: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8622103?answerId=250008933022#250008933022
For my case: I already have xcode 10.1 in my MBP.
and storeassetd directory
in the same dir.Done.