Apache Kafka: Distributed messaging system
Apache Storm: Real Time Message Processing
How we can use both technologies in a real-time data pipeline for processing
I know that this is an older thread and the comparisons of Apache Kafka and Storm were valid and correct when they were written but it is worth noting that Apache Kafka has evolved a lot over the years and since version 0.10 (April 2016) Kafka has included a Kafka Streams API which provides stream processing capabilities without the need for any additional software such as Storm. Kafka also includes the Connect API for connecting into various sources and sinks (destinations) of data.
Announcement blog - https://www.confluent.io/blog/introducing-kafka-streams-stream-processing-made-simple/
Current Apache documentation - https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/streams/
In 0.11 Kafka the stream processing functionality was further expanded to provide Exactly Once Semantics and Transactions.