(source: sontag.ca)
I first did this exercise a little over 2 years ago when I was first learning HTML and CSS. My first solution was like the one you see here, except without the anonymous container DIVs. Then I got this idea for a web page that did a side by side comparison of CSS to a Table to prove CSS was better. So I worked on The Challenge page, published it, and then posted this question.
Sam Hasler posted an answer within minutes, it seems, that was really close. I could see he was on track for a better solution than what I had. All his divs were in order, and mine were not. Jacco posted a comment asking why I used two nested tables when one would do. He was right too, of course.
So I had two Homer Simpson "Doh!" moments right away. I read other questions and answers on tables vs. CSS. Someone mentioned that tables centered vertically. My answer did not center vertically either, but I thought it might be possible. The whole point, after all, is to do everything a table can do and better. I had painted myself into a corner by now, looking like a fool, so I had to find an answer.
Eventually (am embarrassed to say how long it was) I came up with the solution below.
I was then able to fulfill my original concept of a side-by-side comparison web page.
Here is an explanation of how it all works and why you should use CSS
Charlie's answer...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Charlie's CSS layout</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
#outer {
width:175px; height:175px;
font: italic 100%/200% 'Comic Sans MS', cursive;
border: 1px solid black;
#inner { width: 105px }
#outer>DIV, #inner>DIV { float:left }
#outer>DIV>DIV, #inner>DIV>DIV
{ display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle }
#c2 { clear: right }
#c3, #c6 { clear: left }
#c1>DIV, #c4>DIV, #c7>DIV, #c8>DIV, #c9>DIV { height: 35px }
#c2>DIV, #c3>DIV, #c5>DIV, #c6>DIV, #c7>DIV { width: 35px }
#c2>DIV, #c3>DIV { height: 140px }
#c1>DIV, #c9>DIV { width: 140px }
#c5>DIV, #c6>DIV { height: 70px }
#c4>DIV, #c8>DIV { width: 70px }
#c2, #c6, #c7, #c8, #c9 { position:relative; top:-35px }
#c9 { left: 35px }
#c1 { background-color: silver }
#c2 { background-color: maroon; color: white }
#c3 { background-color: navy; color: white }
#c4 { background-color: red }
#c5 { background-color: blue; color: white }
#c6 { background-color: yellow }
#c7 { background-color: white }
#c8 { background-color: green; color: white }
#c9 { background-color: orange }
/* these rules are a HACK to center vertically in IE7 */
#outer>DIV>DIV, #inner>DIV>DIV { position:relative; }
#c1>DIV, #c4>DIV, #c7>DIV, #c8>DIV, #c9>DIV { top: 10% }
#c5>DIV { top: 0% }
#c6>DIV { top: 30% }
#c2>DIV { top: 0% }
#c3>DIV { top: 15% }
<div id="outer">
<div id="c1"><div> 1 </div></div>
<div id="c3"><div>3<br/>3<br/>3</div></div>
<div id="inner">
<div id="c4"><div> 4 </div></div>
<div id="c5"><div> 5<br/>5 </div></div>
<div id="c6"><div> 6 </div></div>
<div id="c7"><div> 7 </div></div>
<div id="c8"><div> 8 </div></div>
<div id="c2"><div> 2<br/>2<br/>2<br/>2 </div></div>
<div id="c9"><div> 9 9 9</div></div>