gherkin is a domain specific language to
describe executable bdd-specifications. It is used among other by cucumber (ruby) and specflow (dotnet).
Feature: Browsing
In order to see who's been on the site
As a user
I want to be able to view the list of posts
Scenario: Navigation to homepage
When I navigate to /Guestbook
Then I should be on the guestbook page
Scenario: Viewing existing entries
Given I am on the guestbook page
Then I should see a list of guestbook entries
And guestbook entries have an author
And guestbook entries have a posted date
And guestbook entries have a comment
Scenario: Most recent entries are displayed first
Given we have the following existing entries
| Name | Comment | Posted date |
| Mr. A | I like A | 2008-10-01 09:20 |
| Mrs. B | I like B | 2010-03-05 02:15 |
| Dr. C | I like C | 2010-02-20 12:21 |
And I am on the guestbook page
Then the guestbook entries includes the following, in this order
| Name | Comment | Posted date |
| Mrs. B | I like B | 2010-03-05 02:15 |
| Dr. C | I like C | 2010-02-20 12:21 |
| Mr. A | I like A | 2008-10-01 09:20 |