Whilst I agree in principle with the idea that sorting is Business Logic because by breaking it down to it's origin you would end up with something like "The client would like the Product page to display with the images sorted by date" then it becomes clear that the sort order for data is typically not arbitrary - even if there is no sorting as that's still a business decision by omission (an empty list is still a list).
BUT... These answer don't seem to take into account the advances in ORM technology, I can only talk in relation to the Entity Framework (let's avoid an argument about whether this is true ORM, that's not the point) from Microsoft as that's what I use, but I'm sure other ORMs offer similar functionality.
If I create a Strongly Typed view for a Product class using MS MVC and the Entity Framework and there is a foreign key relationship between the Product and Image table (e.g. FK_Product_Image_ProductId) then I would out-of-the-box be able to quickly sort the images during their display using something like this in the view:
@foreach(Image i in Model.Image.OrderBy(e => e.DisplayOrder)){ //etc etc... }
There was mention of a specific Business Logic layer, which I also use to perform 80% of my business logic, but I'm not going to write sort functionality into my Business Logic layer that mimics something that comes out-of-the-box from the Entity Framework.
I don't think there's a correct answer to this question, other than to say that; you should abstract complex business logic where possible but not at the cost of reinventing the wheel.