Here's what I'm thinking, since I'm about to implement something like this that I have for a game in development. :
The world divided into regions. depending on the size of the world, it will determine how many regions. For this example, we'll assume a medium sized world, with 6 regions. Each grid zone breaks into 9 grid zones. those grid zones break into 9 grids each. (this is not for character movement, but merely for map creation) The Grids are for biomes, grid zones are for over arching land features, (continent vs ocean) and the regions are for overall climate. The grids break down into tiles.
Randomly generated, the regions get assigned logical climate sets. Grid zones get randomly assigned to, for instance; ocean or land. Grids get assigned biomes randomly with modifiers based on their grid zones and climate, these being forest, desert, plains, glacial, swamp or volcanic. Once all those basics are assigned, it's time to blend them together, using a random percentage based function that fills in tile sets. For example; if you have a forest biome, next to a desert biome, you have an algorithm that decreases the likely hood that a tile will be "foresty" and increases that it will be "deserty." So, about half way between them, you'll see a sort of blended affect combining the two biomes to off a somewhat smooth transition between them. Transition from one grid zone to the next would probably take a little more work to insure logic landmass formations.Like, for example, a biome from one grid zone that touches the biome from another, instead of having a simple switching percentage based on proximity. For example, there are 50 tiles from the center of the biome to the edge of the biome, meaning, there are 50 from the edge it touches to the center of the next biome. That would logically leave a 100% change from one biome to the next. So as the tiles get nearer to the border of the two biomes, the percentage narrows out to around 60% or so. It'd, I think, be unwise to give too much probability of crossing biomes far from the border, but you'll want the border to be somewhat blended. For the grid zones, the percentage change will be much more pronounced. Instead of the % going down to around 60%, it'd only drop down to around 80%. And a secondary check would then have to be performed to ensure that there's not a random water tile in the middle of a land biome next to the ocean without some logic to it. So, either, connect that water tile to the ocean mass to make a channel to explain the water tile, or remove it altogether. Land in a water based biome is easier to explain using rock outcrops and such.
Oh, kinda dumb, sorry.