I have an account on bitbucket.org that I created by signing up with my Google account. Now everytime I log in I just click \"Log in with Google\" and that\'s fine.
One way to skip this is by creating a specific app password variable.
And you can use that generated password
to access or to push commits from your terminal, when using a Google Account to sign in into Bitbucket.
You can attach a "proper" Bitbucket account password to your account. Go to https://id.atlassian.com/manage/change-password (sign in using your Google account) and then enter a new password in both the old and new password boxes. Now you can use your email address and this new password to access your account on the command line.
Note: App passwords are the official way of doing this (per @Christian Tingino's answer), but IMO they don't work very nicely. No way of changing the password, and they are big unwieldly things to type into the command line.
Follow these steps:
steps updated as on 13th July 2020 Thank You: Rahul Daksh