Before answering such a question, you'd have to agree on what "Modern" is. This not likely to happen, since "Modern" is a poorly defined word, and means different things to different people. The title of Alexandrescu's book (Modern C++ Design) doesn't really help either, since it is largely a book on Template Metaprogramming, which is a specific area of C++ but by no means the only one.
For me, "Modern C++" != "Template Metaprogramming". I would say C++'s features on top of C would fall into these categories:
- Classes (Constructors, Destructors, RAII, Dynamic Casting and RTTI)
- Exceptions
- References
- Data Structures and Algorithms in the standard library (STL)
- iostreams
- Simple class and function templates
- Template metaprogramming
None of these are particularly modern, since they've all been around nearly 10 years or more. Most of these features are useful and will allow you to be more productive than straight C for many use cases. A good programmer should and will use all of them in a decent sized project, but one of these things is not like the other:
Template Metaprogramming.
The short answer to template metaprogramming is just say no. Unfortunately to some people it's synonymous to "Modern C++ programming", due to the book, but in the end it creates more problems than it solves. Unless C++ develops better generic programming mechanisms like reflection, it will be ill suited for generic programming, and higher level languages like Python will be a better fit for those use cases. For that and many other reasons, see the C++ FQA