It's usually just easier to skip the mouse altogether--or it would be if Sublime didn't mess up multiselect when word wrapping. Here's the official documentation on using the keyboard and mouse for multiple selection. Since it's a bit spread out, I'll summarize it:
Where shortcuts are different in Sublime Text 3, I've made a note. For v3, I always test using the latest dev build; if you're using the beta build, your experience may be different.
If you lose your selection when switching tabs or windows (particularly on Linux), try using Ctrl + U to restore it.
Building blocks:
- Positive/negative:
- Add to selection: Ctrl
- Subtract from selection: Alt In early builds of v3, this didn't work for linear selection.
- Selection type:
- Linear selection: Left Click
- Block selection: Middle Click or Shift + Right Click On Linux, middle click pastes instead by default.
Combine as you see fit. For example:
- Add to selection: Ctrl + Left Click (and optionally drag)
- Subtract from selection: Alt + Left Click This didn't work in early builds of v3.
- Add block selection: Ctrl + Shift + Right Click (and drag)
- Subtract block selection: Alt + Shift + Right Click (and drag)
Mac OS X
Building blocks:
- Positive/negative:
- Add to selection: ⌘
- Subtract from selection: ⇧⌘ (only works with block selection in v3; presumably bug)
- Selection type:
- Linear selection: Left Click
- Block selection: Middle Click or ⌥ + Left Click
Combine as you see fit. For example:
- Add to selection: ⌘ + Left Click (and optionally drag)
- Subtract from selection: ⇧⌘ + Left Click (and drag--this combination doesn't work in Sublime Text 3, but supposedly it works in 2)
- Add block selection: ⌥⌘ + Left Click (and drag)
- Subtract block selection: ⌥⇧⌘ + Left Click (and drag)
- Return to single selection mode: Esc
- Extend selection upward/downward at all carets: Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down
- Extend selection leftward/rightward at all carets: Shift + Left/Right
- Move all carets up/down/left/right, and clear selection: Up/Down/Left/Right
- Undo the last selection motion: Ctrl + U
- Add next occurrence of selected text to selection: Ctrl + D
- Add all occurrences of the selected text to the selection: Alt + F3
- Rotate between occurrences of selected text (single selection): Ctrl + F3 (reverse: Ctrl + Shift + F3)
- Turn a single linear selection into a block selection, with a caret at the end of the selected text in each line: Ctrl + Shift + L
- Return to single selection mode: Esc
- Extend selection upward/downward at all carets: Alt + Up/Down Note that you may be able to hold Ctrl as well to get the same shortcuts as Windows, but Linux tends to use Ctrl + Alt combinations for global shortcuts.
- Extend selection leftward/rightward at all carets: Shift + Left/Right
- Move all carets up/down/left/right, and clear selection: Up/Down/Left/Right
- Undo the last selection motion: Ctrl + U
- Add next occurrence of selected text to selection: Ctrl + D
- Add all occurrences of the selected text to the selection: Alt + F3
- Rotate between occurrences of selected text (single selection): Ctrl + F3 (reverse: Ctrl + Shift + F3)
- Turn a single linear selection into a block selection, with a caret at the end of the selected text in each line: Ctrl + Shift + L
Mac OS X
- Return to single selection mode: ⎋ (that's the Mac symbol for Escape)
- Extend selection upward/downward at all carets: ⌃⇧⇡, ⌃⇧⇣ (See note)
- Extend selection leftward/rightward at all carets: ⇧⇠/⇧⇢
- Move all carets up/down/left/right and clear selection: ⇠, ⇡, ⇣, ⇢
- Undo the last selection motion: ⌘U
- Add next occurrence of selected text to selection: ⌘D
- Add all occurrences of the selected text to the selection: ⌃⌘G
- Rotate between occurrences of selected text (single selection): ⌥⌘G (reverse: ⌥⇧⌘G)
- Turn a single linear selection into a block selection, with a caret at the end of the selected text in each line: ⇧⌘L
Notes for Mac users
On Yosemite and El Capitan, ⌃⇧⇡ and ⌃⇧⇣ are system keyboard shortcuts by default. If you want them to work in Sublime Text, you will need to change them:
- Open
System Preferences
- Select the
- Select
Mission Control
in the left listbox.
- Change the keyboard shortcuts for
Mission Control
and Application windows
(or disable them). I use ⌃⌥⇡ and ⌃⌥⇣. They defaults are ⌃⇡ and ⌃⇣; adding ⌃ to those shortcuts triggers the same actions, but slows the animations.
In case you're not familiar with Mac's keyboard symbols:
- ⎋ is the escape key
- ⌃ is the control key
- ⌥ is the option key
- ⇧ is the shift key
- ⌘ is the command key
- ⇡ et al are the arrow keys, as depicted