I discovered this oddity:
for (long l = 4946144450195624l; l > 0; l >>= 5)
System.out.print((char) (((l & 31 | 64) % 95) + 32));
Standard ASCII characters which are visible are in range of 32 to 127.
That's why you see 32, and 95 (127 - 32) there.
In fact each character is mapped to 5 bits here, (you can find what is 5 bit combination for each character), and then all bits are concatenated to form a large number.
Positive longs are 63 bit numbers, large enough to hold encrypted form of 12 characters. So it is large enough to hold Hello word
, but for larger texts you shall use larger numbers, or even a BigInteger.
In an application we wanted to transfer visible English Characters, Persian Characters and Symbols via SMS. As you see there are 32 (number of Persian chars) + 95 (number of English characters and standard visible symbols) = 127
possible values, which can be represented with 7 bits.
We converted each UTF-8 (16 bit) character to 7 bits, and gain more than 56% compression ratio. So we could send texts with twice length in the same number of SMSs. (It is somehow the same thing happened here).
out.println((char) (((l & 31 | 64) % 95) + 32 / 1002439 * 1002439));
To make it caps :3
It prints "hello world" for a similar reason this does:
for (int k=1587463874; k>0; k>>=3)
System.out.print((char) (100 + Math.pow(2,2*(((k&7^1)-1)>>3 + 1) + (k&7&3)) + 10*((k&7)>>2) + (((k&7)-7)>>3) + 1 - ((-(k&7^5)>>3) + 1)*80));
but for a somewhat different reason than this:
for (int k=2011378; k>0; k>>=2)
System.out.print((char) (110 + Math.pow(2,2*(((k^1)-1)>>21 + 1) + (k&3)) - ((k&8192)/8192 + 7.9*(-(k^1964)>>21) - .1*(-((k&35)^35)>>21) + .3*(-((k&120)^120)>>21) + (-((k|7)^7)>>21) + 9.1)*10));