Edit It would be pretty easy if you had ISBN. but converting from UPC to ISBN is not as easy as you'd like.
Here's some javascript code for it from http://isbn.nu where it's done in script
if (indexisbn.indexOf("978") == 0) {
isbn = isbn.substr(3,9);
var xsum = 0;
var add = 0;
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
add = isbn.substr(i,1);
xsum += (10 - i) * add;
xsum %= 11;
xsum = 11 - xsum;
if (xsum == 10) { xsum = "X"; }
if (xsum == 11) { xsum = "0"; }
isbn += xsum;
However, that only converts from UPC to ISBN some of the time.
You may want to look at the barcode scanning project page, too - one person's journey to scan books.
So you know about Amazon Web Services. But that assumes amazon has the book and has scanned in the UPC.
You can also try the UPCdatabase at http://www.upcdatabase.com/item/{UPC}, but this is also incomplete - at least it's growing..
The library of congress database is also incomplete with UPCs so far (although it's pretty comprehensive), and is harder to get automated.
Currently, it seems like you'd have to write this yourself in order to have a high-level lookup that returns simple information (and tries each service)