I need to split ip address in sql.
I have done lots of finding but could not find any builtin method that do the task.
How can I accomplish this task?
You can use PARSENAME function as following :
with address as(
select '' as IpAddress
select '' as IpAddress
select '' as IpAddress
SELECT PARSENAME(IpAddress,4) as first,
PARSENAME(IpAddress,3) as second,
PARSENAME(IpAddress,2) as third,
PARSENAME(IpAddress,1) as fourth,
FROM address
PARSENAME function returns the specified part of an object name.
I've found it useful to convert IPV4 addresses from "dotted string" notation to a (big) integer so that they can be stored, compared, ... . (Note that the following function does not perform input validation.)
create function [dbo].[IntegerIPV4Address]( @IPV4Address VarChar(16) )
returns BigInt
with SchemaBinding -- Deterministic function.
-- NB: ParseName is non-deterministic.
declare @Dot1 as Int = CharIndex( '.', @IPV4Address );
declare @Dot2 as Int = CharIndex( '.', @IPV4Address, @Dot1 + 1 );
declare @Dot3 as Int = CharIndex( '.', @IPV4Address, @Dot2 + 1 );
return Cast( Substring( @IPV4Address, 0, @Dot1 ) as BigInt ) * 0x1000000 +
Cast( Substring( @IPV4Address, @Dot1 + 1, @Dot2 - @Dot1 - 1 ) as BigInt ) * 0x10000 +
Cast( Substring( @IPV4Address, @Dot2 + 1, @Dot3 - @Dot2 - 1 ) as BigInt ) * 0x100 +
Cast( Substring( @IPV4Address, @Dot3 + 1, Len( @IPV4Address ) * 1 ) as BigInt );
Converting back to a dotted string padded with zeroes (so that an alpha sort behaves well):
create function [dbo].[NormalizedIPV4Address]( @IntegerIPV4Address as BigInt )
returns VarChar(16)
with SchemaBinding -- Deterministic function.
declare @BinaryAddress as VarBinary(4) = Cast( @IntegerIPV4Address as VarBinary(4) );
return Right( '00' + Cast( Cast( Substring( @BinaryAddress, 1, 1 ) as Int ) as VarChar(3) ), 3 ) +
'.' + Right( '00' + Cast( Cast( Substring( @BinaryAddress, 2, 1 ) as Int ) as VarChar(3) ), 3 ) +
'.' + Right( '00' + Cast( Cast( Substring( @BinaryAddress, 3, 1 ) as Int ) as VarChar(3) ), 3 ) +
'.' + Right( '00' + Cast( Cast( Substring( @BinaryAddress, 4, 1 ) as Int ) as VarChar(3) ), 3 )