I have been trying to make a photo sharing app, with the ability to add your image and name to the image. I have been messing with Canvas for the whole day, but couldn\'t get go
if you want to customize it, then instead of solid white rectangle (like in your original code) use a Drawable
and the result could be something like this:
the code:
// for int gravity: see android.view.Gravity, like Gravity.LEFT, Gravity.BOTTOM, etc
// for example:
// Bitmap out = addText(this, in, "Haider Ali Punjabi", android.R.drawable.alert_light_frame, Gravity.BOTTOM, new Point(10, 10));
public Bitmap addText(Context ctx, Bitmap in, String text, int resId, int gravity, Point pad) {
if (pad == null) pad = new Point();
Bitmap out = in.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(out);
Paint textPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
// textPaint.setTextSize(128);
Rect inBounds = new Rect();
textPaint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), inBounds);
float scale = out.getWidth() * 0.35f / inBounds.width();
Rect container = new Rect(0, 0, out.getWidth(), out.getHeight());
Rect outBounds = new Rect();
int w = (int) (inBounds.width() * scale);
int h = (int) (inBounds.height() * scale);
Gravity.apply(gravity, 2 * pad.x + w, 2 * pad.y + h, container, outBounds);
Drawable dr = ctx.getResources().getDrawable(resId);
Rect padding = new Rect();
dr.setBounds(outBounds.left - padding.left, outBounds.top - padding.top, outBounds.right + padding.right, outBounds.bottom + padding.bottom);
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
RectF src = new RectF(inBounds);
RectF dst = new RectF(outBounds);
dst.inset(pad.x, pad.y);
matrix.setRectToRect(src, dst, Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER);
canvas.drawText(text, 0, 0, textPaint);
return out;