I’m trying (using MS Access) to group some data by a fiscal year, which can be different to the calendar year.
If every fiscal year always started on the 1st of a given
This is actually quite simple, and you don't need any additional table or fields.
The method is to offset the financial dates to match the calendar year. For example:
FinancialYearFirstMonth = 9
FinancialYearFirstDay = 2
First, toalign to primo of the month:
DateMonth = DateAdd("d", 1 - FinancialYearFirstDay, SomeDate)
Next, expand to also align to primo of the year:
DateYearMonth = DateAdd("m", 1 - FinancialYearFirstMonth, DateAdd("d", 1 - FinancialYearFirstDay, SomeDate))
If the financial year is not lagging but leading the calendar year, add 12 months:
DateYearMonth = DateAdd("m", 1 - FinancialYearFirstMonth + 12, DateAdd("d", 1 - FinancialYearFirstDay, SomeDate))
Now you can have the financial year and month and (with some limitations for the ultimo date(s) of a month) day using the normal functions:
FinancialYear = Year(DateYearMonth)
FinancialMonth = Month(DateYearMonth)
FinancialDay = Day(DateYearMonth)
Of course, month names will not fit. If these are needed, use MonthName of the original date.
If you have month + day to take into consideration, then obviously you will need the corresponding 2 fields in your table (NOT NULL DEFAULT 1
Once this is added, the following will calculate the year:
year(orderDate) - IIF(dateserial(year(orderDate), startFYofaCompany_month, startFYofaCompany_day) > orderDate, 1, 0)
Add this to the 2 places you have prepared in your query.