I want a simple code for my project , when i click in button average in textbox should appear the average of selected numbers in all combobox
You can use a foreach
loop to traverse through each combobox to get the sum of all the items inside those comboboxes, keep it saved in a variable along with the count of all items in those comboboxes.
Something like
int intCBAverage;
int intCBSum = 0;
int intCBCount = 0;
foreach (var item in cbnota6.Items)
intCBSum += int.Parse(item.ToString());
foreach (var item in cbnota7.Items)
intCBSum += int.Parse(item.ToString());
foreach (var item in cbnota8.Items)
intCBSum += int.Parse(item.ToString());
intCBAverage = intCBSum / intCBCount;
The above piece of code is just for illustration of the idea. Hope you got the idea.
Once you have the average, you can show that in the textbook.
Also, instead of looping through each combobox you can loop through each control in the form, check whether the control is a combobox or not and if yes, then loop through the combobox items. Something like
foreach (Control x in this.Controls)
if (x is ComboBox)
foreach (var item in x.Items)
intCBSum += int.Parse(item.ToString());