I want to implement the following operator »
throwingFunction(arg: T?)».doStuff()
/* if throwingFunction throws an error:
print or log the er
and postfix
are unary operators i.e. they only accept one operand, whereas an infix
operator is a binary operator i.e. it accepts two operands.
So, static func »(value:key:) -> Preferred?
is not correct because it's taking two operands whereas you have defined »
as a postfix
For some reason I get "»
is not a postfix unary operator" when I don't use the escape syntax. But apart from that it seems to work.
precedencegroup Chaining {
associativity: left
infix operator » : Chaining
extension Result {
static func »<T>(value: Self, key: KeyPath<Success, T>) -> T? {
switch value {
case .success(let win):
return win[keyPath: key]
case .failure(let fail):
return nil
// I included a custom type so that it could be customizable if needed.
enum Err<Wrapped> {
static func »<T>(value: Self, key: KeyPath<Wrapped, T>) -> T? {
switch value {
case .error(let err):
return nil
case .some(let wrapper):
return wrapper[keyPath: key]
case error(Error)
case some(Wrapped)
func errorWrapped() -> Err<String> {
.some("Hello World")
func pleaseWork() {