As a newbie in programming, I am trying to do a function to find the kth largest int in a list of list of ints. I tried list of ints before and it worked.
However, for
some hints:
write a flatten function to convert list hierarchy to a single collection (with unique elements), sort and pick the k'th element.
sample implementation
def flatten(t):
for e in t:
if isinstance(e,list):
yield from flatten(e)
yield e
set(flatten([[1,[]], 9, [[1], [3]], [4]]))
{1, 3, 4, 9}
of course, this approach is not the most efficient (perhaps it's the least efficient). You can return the first k elements from each sub level and prune at k'th level at each merge.
I wrote a generalized solution (you specify k
) using extra arguments with default values to track both the smallest set of k
found so far, and whether this was the top level of the recursion or a sub-level. Sub-levels return the current smallest subset, the top level returns the last entry (which is the k
th smallest value). The smallest set of k
is maintained using heapq
's nsmallest
import heapq
def find_kth_smallest(k, a_list, smallest_k = [], top_level = True):
l = len(a_list)
if l > 1:
l /= 2
smallest_k = find_kth_smallest(k, a_list[:l], smallest_k, False)
smallest_k = find_kth_smallest(k, a_list[l:], smallest_k, False)
elif l < 1:
return []
if isinstance(a_list[0], list):
smallest_k = find_kth_smallest(k, a_list[0], smallest_k, False)
smallest_k = heapq.nsmallest(k, smallest_k)
if top_level:
return smallest_k[-1]
return smallest_k
print find_kth_smallest(3, [10, [9, 8, [[]]], [7, 6, [[5], 4, 3]], 2, 1]) # => 3