- (IBAction)SignUp:(id)sender; { Expected identifier or \'(\'
IBOutlet UITextField *Firstnamefield;
IBOutlet UITextField *Las
It seems to me that you put an IBAction at the wrong place in the .h file. It should be after the definition of the instance variables, for example:
@interface ViewController : UIViewController
IBOutlet UITextField *Firstnamefield;
IBOutlet UITextField *Lastnamefield;
// ...
- (IBAction)SignUp:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)SignUp:(id)sender {
UITextField *Firstnamefield;
UITextField *Lastnamefield;
UITextField *emailfield;
UITextField *agefield;
UITextField *passwordfield;
UITextField *reenterpasswordfield;
There a couple of problems. For one, you can not use the IBOutlet qualifier outside of an interface declaration. And passwordfield
has a colon after it that should be a semicolon.
In case this is the point of confusion, if you were creating the interface declaration for this IBAction, it would look like this:
- (IBAction)SignUp:(id)sender;
Other than that, the only other thing that could be causing this is if you are trying to place the entire IBAction inside the header file.