What would be an example of byte flipping in VB.NET?
16 bit unsigned short
Before the flip:
02 00 0D 78 10 20 40 80 F1 F2 F4 F8
You could write as you go, something like:
Dim file = dialog.FileName
Using output = New BinaryWriter(New FileStream( _
file, _
FileMode.Append, _
FileAccess.Write, _
Using input = New BinaryReader(New FileStream( _
file, _
FileMode.Open, _
FileAccess.Read, _
Dim bufferLength = 2
While bufferLength = 2
Dim buffer = input.ReadBytes(2)
bufferLength = buffer.Length
If bufferLength = 2 Then
Else If bufferLength = 1 Then
End If
End While
End Using
End Using
You just need to loop through all items of the array and swap each byte.
Dim bytes() As Byte = {&H2, &H0, &HD, &H78, &H10, &H20, &H40, &H80, &HF1, &HF2, &HF4, &HF8, &H1F, &H2F, &H4F, &H8F}
For i As Integer = 0 To bytes.Length - 1 Step 2
bytes(i) = bytes(i) Xor bytes(i + 1)
bytes(i + 1) = bytes(i + 1) Xor bytes(i)
bytes(i) = bytes(i) Xor bytes(i + 1)
If you want, use a temp variable
For i As Integer = 0 To bytes.Length - 1 Step 2
Dim tempByte As Byte = bytes(i)
bytes(i) = bytes(i+1)
bytes(i + 1) = tempByte