i have a table in mySql like in this picture
and i want to write a query which
don't know if you're looking for something like this:
SELECT fields_list, (field_to_modify + (SELECT AVG(average_field) FROM table2)) AS order_field
FROM table1
WHERE your_conditions
ORDER BY order_field;
It looks like you're selecting all of the rows where lesson
, and then you want an extra row with the average of the percantage. How about:
select *
from (
-- this part gets all the "CHEM" rows
select *
from <your_table_name>
where lesson = "CHEM"
-- this parts selects the aggregate row
NULL as `no`,
NULL as `stud_id`,
NULL as `class`,
"average" as `lesson`,
avg(percentage) as `perc`,
sum(count) as `cnt`
from <your_table_name>
where lesson = "CHEM"
) q
order by `perc` desc;
Note that the sorting is performed by the outer query.