It's called object subscripting, as explained here
Its syntactic sugar, as
gets translated by the compiler to
[newSectionsArray objectAtIndexedSubscript:index];
implements subscripting too, so you can access an element in this fashion:
The cool (and potentially dangerous) feature is that this is generalized, so you can even have it on your own classes.
You just need to implement a couple of methods
(for indexed access)
- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx;
- (void)setObject:(id)obj atIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx;
or (for keyed access)
- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
- (void)setObject:(id)obj forKeyedSubscript:(id)idx;
and you they will be called whenever you use bracket notation on the instances of you custom class.
So you could end up coding a grid-based game and accessing the elements on the grid by
board[@"B42"]; // => [board objectForKeyedSubscript:@"B42"]
or moving a piece on the board by
board[@"C42"] = @"Troll"; => [board setObject:@"Troll" forKeyedSubscript:@"C42"];
Nice, but I wouldn't abuse of it.