i have been struggled with how to split multiple columns into multiple columns using R but with no result, i have tried many tricks on Stackoverflow and it doesn\'t work. here i
xx$id = 1:nrow(xx)
xxlong = gather(xx, key = "key", value = "value",-id)
xxlong = separate(xxlong, value, into = c("num", "attr"))
xxlong %>% na.omit %>% select(-key) %>%
spread(key = attr, value = num, fill = 0)
# id Angry Haha Like Love Sad
# 1 1 0 0 25 23 0
# 2 2 0 3 15 5 0
# 3 3 2 20 0 0 3
I'll leave the reordering of the columns to you.
Using this data:
xx = read.table(text = "reactions__001 reactions__002 reactions__003
'25 Like' '23 Love'
'15 Like' '5 Love' '3 Haha'
'20 Haha' '3 Sad' '2 Angry' ", header = T, fill = T)