I am trying to perform conversion from a lowercase to uppercase on a string without using any inbuilt functions (other than ord() and char()). Following the logic presented on a
def uppercase(str_data):
str_data = str_data -32
return str_data
in this code ord takes single character as an argument but you have given more than one that's why it's showing an error. Take single character at a time convert it to upper case and make a single string like below.
def convert_to_lower(string):
for i in string:
j=ord(i)-32 #we are taking the ascii value because the length of lower
#case to uppercase is 32 so we are subtracting 32
if 97<=ord(i)<=122 : #here we are checking whether the charecter is lower
# case or not if lowercase then only we are converting into
else: #if the character is not the lowercase alplhaber we are taking as it is
convert_to_lower("hello world")