I\'m trying to make a label display some text, and then after a short while refresh itself and be able to re-display something else later. At the moment however I don\'t know ho
I used a timer.
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
labelWarningMessage.Text = "";
labelWARNING.Visible = false;
Updated for async/await. This will
// Update all text with warning message
foreach (var x in mod)
labelWARNING.Visible = true;
labelWarningMessage.Text = "This module has a prerequisite module: " + x;
// Wait 1 second or 1000ms
await Task.Delay(1000);
// Now dismiss the message
foreach (var x in mod)
labelWarningMessage.Text = "";
The surrounding function needs to be an public async Task SomeMethod()
public async void buttonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
to use the await
I would use another thread for it:
labelWARNING.Visible = true;
labelWarningMessage.Text = "This module has a prerequisite module: " + item;
new Thread(() => {
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { labelWARNING.Visible = false; }));
(this is for WPF, for WinForms should be essentially the same)
From your questions, it seems you need to change the value of something like a status label to display information periodically to the user. If you are using winforms, you can use a timer and a delegate like this:
From your questions, it seems you need to change the value of something like a status label to display information periodically to the user. If you are using winforms, you can use a timer and a delegate like this:
//First create a delegate to update the label value
public delegate void labelChanger(string s);
//create timer object
Timer t = new Timer();
//create a generic List to store messages. You could also use a Queue instead.
List<string> mod = new List<string>();
//index for list
int cIndex = 0;
//add this in your Form Load event or after InitializeComponent()
t.Tick += (timer_tick);
t.Interval = 5000;//how long you want it to stay.
//the timer_tick method
private void timer_tick(object s, EventArgs e)
labelWarningMessage.Invoke(new labelChanger(labelWork), mod[cIndex]);
//the method to do the actual message display
private void labelWork(string s)
labelWARNING.Visible = true;
labelWarningMessage.Text = "This module has a prerequisite module: " + s;
I hope that helps. Good Luck.
EDIT: Thought I posted this code long ago only to come back and find out I didn't...but maybe someone might find it useful.
Also, this method will be redundant in this case, since creating the Timer alone will work without the use of a delegate and is only useful for the delegate usage and UI thread access part.