Some Dockerfile have a VOLUME command.
What happens when such containers are deployed in Kubernetes, but no kubernetes volume are provided: no persistent volume (PV), nor
(answer based on what I observed with Rancher 2.4, kubernetes 1.17 using Docker)
Short answer:
a Docker volume is created in /var/lib/docker/volumes/...
and removed when the pods is stopped or redeployed.
Long answer:
Kubernetes doesn't seems to have any knowledge of the volume the containers / in the Dockerfile. No Kubernetes objects seems to be created.
When Kubernetes tell Docker daemon to start a container, Docker creates a volume (like docker volume create
) and attach the created volume (unless kubernete's provides a volume to mount).
Where are the file stored ?
The file is a regular Docker volume (see docker volume
Is the volume persistent ?
No, the docker volume is removed when the pod is removed (like if you ran docker rm $mycontainer --volumes
docker inspect 6ce5f52186d4 | grep '"Driver": "local"' -A5 -B5
"Type": "volume",
"Name": "679135a23430ceea6adb8d89e04c6baf9da33239a83ecb4c4ec3263e2c925d39",
"Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/679135a23430ceea6adb8d89e04c6baf9da33239a83ecb4c4ec3263e2c925d39/_data",
"Destination": "/var/lib/postgresql/data",
"Driver": "local",
"Mode": "",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": ""
$ docker volume ls
local 679135a23430ceea6adb8d89e04c6baf9da33239a83ecb4c4ec3263e2c925d39
$ du -hs /var/lib/docker/volumes/679135a23430ceea6adb8d89e04c6baf9da33239a83ecb4c4ec3263e2c925d39/
51.4M /var/lib/docker/volumes/679135a23430ceea6adb8d89e04c6baf9da33239a83ecb4c4ec3263e2c925d39/