I have a Lambda function that is designed to turn ON/OFF my Philip HUE lightbulbs. I am able to execute the python script & it runs (error-free) on my local machine. However
The issue with changing the value of internal_dict_value during the loop is you dont know what type it's going to hold.
try something like if type(internal_dict_value) is dict:
With the help of @JakePearse I was able to resolve the issue.
Here is the final version of my (fully-functional) python script.
import requests,json
bridgeIP = "IP/FQDN_Here:port_here"
userID = "userHash_here"
lightID = "2"
def lambda_handler(event, lambda_context):
url = f"http://{bridgeIP}/api/{userID}/lights/{lightID}"
r = requests.get(url)
data = json.loads(r.text)
def nested_get(input_dict, nested_key):
internal_dict_value = input_dict
for k in nested_key:
if type(internal_dict_value) is dict:
internal_dict_value = internal_dict_value.get(k, None)
if internal_dict_value is None:
return None
return internal_dict_value
bulbStatus = nested_get(data,["state","on"])
if bulbStatus == False:
elif bulbStatus == True:
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Mission accomplished!')