i have domain in godaddy and i am trying to install a script in my dedicated server or trying to access my domain righttimematrimony.com it is not loading and showing errors.
Take a look at this link: http://forums.cpanel.net/f5/invalid-command-php_value-perhaps-mis-spelled-defined-module-not-included-184931.html
You are using suPHP, so you cannot use the following directives in .htaccess files: php_flag, php_admin_flag, php_value, php_admin_value. You also cannot use these directives in the httpd.conf file; they are only valid when DSO is used as the PHP handler.
Instead, use a custom php.ini file. Copy /usr/local/lib/php.ini to the directory that requires custom PHP values, and customize the PHP values in the "local" php.ini file. Note that the values in custom php.ini files are not "inherited" to subdirectories. If you place a custom php.ini file in /home/someuser/public_html, its settings will not be inherited by /home/someuser/public_html/somesubdir. /home/someuser/public_html/somesubdir would need its own custom php.ini file.
I am using php7.3 and:
apt-get install php7.3-mbstring libapache2-mod-php7.3
solved the error:
Invalid command 'php_flag', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
You're not running PHP as an Apache module.
Miss Files From Root Directory http://righttimematrimony.com/ one of missed file is favicon.ico.
The 403 Forbidden error means that whatever resource or webpage you were trying to access is forbidden from being accessed.