My goal is to have a different dialog box appear for each item clicked. I currently have one setup and figured I can just add an if statement. If mousedown on div_a, dialog_a, e
Since you are new to coding, I suggest using the jQuery team's jQueryUI library -- which includes a .dialog()
capability (they call it a "widget"). Here's how it works:
(1) Include both jQuery and the jQueryUI libraries in your <head></head>
tags. Note that you must also include an appropriate CSS theme library for jQueryUI (or the dialogs will be invisible):
<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>
(2) Create an empty div in your HTML, and initialize it as a dialog:
<div id="myDlg"></div>
width: 500,
height: 'auto'
(3) Then, when you are ready to display the dialog, insert new data into the myDlg
div just before opening the dialog:
$('#myDlg').html('<div>This will display in the dialog</div>');
The above allows you to change the content of the dialog and use the re-same dialog DIV each time.
Here's what the working example would look like:
jsFiddle Demo
<div id="myDlg"></div>
<div id="questiona" class="allques">
<div class="question">What is 2 + 2?</div>
<div class="answer">4</div>
<div id="questionb" class="allques">
<div class="question">What is the 12th Imam?</div>
<div class="answer">The totally wacky reason why Iran wants a nuclear bomb.</div>
var que,ans;
width: 500,
height: 'auto',
buttons: {
"See Answer": function(){
"Close": function(){
que = $(this).find('.question').html();
ans = $(this).find('.answer').html();
How to use Plugins for PopUp
jQuery UI Dialog Box - does not open after being closed
Dynamically changing jQueryUI dialog buttons
jQuery UI dialog - problem with event on close