Set environment variables with NSIS in Window 7

前端 未结 3 715
温柔的废话 2021-01-29 03:39

I want to set environment variable using NSIS installer. I will run script on Windows 7, if it is important. Thanks!

  • 2021-01-29 04:35

    How can I create or change an environment variable

    Note: Changing %path% this way is unsafe and can corrupt the entry if it is longer than the NSIS string length!

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-29 04:37

    UPDATE: The latest version of the RegAddPathToVar function is here: (full test example:

    Here is full and direct implementation example for the NSIS 3.0.

    Consist of 3 files.

    build.bat - build script file.

    @echo off
    set "MAKENSIS_EXE=makensis.exe"
    "%MAKENSIS_EXE%" /V4 "/Obuild.log" "/XOutFile '%~dp0test.exe'" "%~dp0main.nsi"
    echo.Return code: %ERRORLEVEL%

    Edit the MAKENSIS_EXE variable to there the makensis executable is on your system.

    stack.nsi - helper functions file.

    !define PushStack11 "!insertmacro PushStack11"
    !macro PushStack11 var0 var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9 var10
    Push `${var0}`
    Push `${var1}`
    Push `${var2}`
    Push `${var3}`
    Push `${var4}`
    Push `${var5}`
    Push `${var6}`
    Push `${var7}`
    Push `${var8}`
    Push `${var9}`
    Push `${var10}`
    !define ExchStack4 "!insertmacro ExchStack4"
    !macro ExchStack4 var0 var1 var2 var3
    Exch `${var3}`
    Exch 1
    Exch `${var2}`
    Exch 1
    Exch 2
    Exch `${var1}`
    Exch 2
    Exch 3
    Exch `${var0}`
    Exch 3
    !define PopStack15 "!insertmacro PopStack15"
    !macro PopStack15 var0 var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9 var10 var11 var12 var13 var14
    Pop `${var14}`
    Pop `${var13}`
    Pop `${var12}`
    Pop `${var11}`
    Pop `${var10}`
    Pop `${var9}`
    Pop `${var8}`
    Pop `${var7}`
    Pop `${var6}`
    Pop `${var5}`
    Pop `${var4}`
    Pop `${var3}`
    Pop `${var2}`
    Pop `${var1}`
    Pop `${var0}`

    main.nsi - full NSIS implementation example.

    !include "nsDialogs.nsh"
    !include "WinCore.nsh"
    !include "LogicLib.nsh"
    !include "stack.nsi"
    RequestExecutionLevel admin ; for all users
    Page Custom Show Leave
    Var /GLOBAL DialogID
    Var /GLOBAL EditID
    Var /GLOBAL Edit
    Var /GLOBAL ButtonAppendID
    !define GotoIf "!insertmacro GotoIf"
    !macro GotoIf label exp
    ${If} ${exp}
      Goto `${label}`
    !define RegGetKeyMap "!insertmacro RegGetKeyMap"
    !macro RegGetKeyMap var value
      ${Switch} ${value}
        ${Case} "HKCR"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT}
        ${Case} "HKCU"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_CURRENT_USER}
        ${Case} "HKLM"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}
        ${Case} "HKU"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_USERS}
        ${Case} "HKPD"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA}
        ${Case} "HKDD"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_DYN_DATA}
        ${Case} "HKCC"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG}
        ${Case} "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT}
        ${Case} "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_CURRENT_USER}
        ${Case} "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}
        ${Case} "HKEY_USERS"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_USERS}
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA}
        ${Case} "HKEY_DYN_DATA"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_DYN_DATA}
        ${Case} "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG}
          StrCpy ${var} ${HKEY_CURRENT_USER}
    ; Usage:
    ; All users:
    ;   ${Push} "<path>"
    ;   ${Push} "HKLM"
    ;   ${Push} "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
    ;   ${Push} "<env_var>"
    ;   Call RegAddPathToVar
    ; Current user only:
    ;   ${Push} "<path>"
    ;   ${Push} "HKCU"
    ;   ${Push} "Environment"
    ;   ${Push} "<env_var>"
    ;   Call RegAddPathToVar
    !macro Func_RegAddPathToVar un
    !ifndef ${un}RegAddPathToVar_INCLUDED
    !define ${un}RegAddPathToVar_INCLUDED
    Function ${un}RegAddPathToVar
      ${ExchStack4} $R0 $R1 $R2 $R3
      ${PushStack11} $R4 $R5 $R6 $R7 $R8 $R9 $0 $1 $2 $8 $9
      ; WARNING:
      ;   NSIS ReadRegStr returns empty string on string overflow, so native calls are used here:
      ;   1. To check actual length of <env_var>.
      ;   2. To process the PATH variable of any length long.
      ; The IDEAL algorithm for any length long PATH variable, where each subpath is not longer than ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}-${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} bytes:
      ;   1. Init current string list if does not have any before or take as current has created after the previous algorithm run.
      ;   2. Read string of ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}-${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} bytes length into the array of ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN} bytes length from the input address, add NSIS_CHAR_SIZE nulls at the end.
      ;   3. Go to 20 if empty or nothing else except the ; characters in the array.
      ;   4. Truncate all in the array after the last ; character, where the ; character has found not under " character quoted string (see description in the 6).
      ;   5. Split strings in the array by the ; character if it has found not under " character quoted string into the list.
      ;   6. Move the last string from the list into the next repeat cycle list if it begins by the " character but not ends by the same character (not completely fitted into the limited to ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN} bytes window).
      ;   7. Unquote all strings in the list and create the second list with flags marked where the quotes has removed.
      ;   8. Search for "$R0" or "$R0\" in the list, if found then raise a flag and leave the algorithm.
      ;   9. Move ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN} byte window by the array current string length long multiple to NSIS_CHAR_SIZE value along the input address.
      ;  10. Repeat the algorithm.
      ;  20. Append path to the list.
      ;  21. Restore quotes for those strings in the first list what been quoted before by the second list.
      ;  22. Join first list by the separator into one string.
      ; The REAL algorithm for any length long PATH variable, where each subpath is not longer than ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}-${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} bytes:
      ;   1. Read string from registry into dynamic buffer enough to store more characters: length of being searched string + length of separator + length of string to search + length of null character.
      ;   2. Copy string from the buffer to the second dynamic buffer enough to store more characters: length of separator + length of being searched string + length of separator + length of null character.
      ;   3. Prepend and append separator character to second buffer.
      ;   4. Try to find multiple instances of the string to search in the second buffer through the shlwapi::StrStrI, where search instances are:
      ;      `<Separator><StringToSearch><Separator>'
      ;      `<Separator><StringToSearch>\<Separator>'
      ;   5. If found any instance then leave the algorithm.
      ;   6. Append separator character to the first buffer if it does not ending by it.
      ;   7. Append the string to search to the first buffer.
      ; handles and pointers init
      StrCpy $R7 0
      StrCpy $R9 0
      StrCpy $0 0
      StrCpy $1 0
      StrCpy $2 0
      ; keys map
      ${RegGetKeyMap} $R8 $R1
      System::Call "advapi32::RegOpenKey(i R8, t R2, *i.R6) i.R4"
      ${If} $R4 <> 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: advapi32::RegOpenKey error: code=$R4 hive=$\"$R8$\" key=$\"$R2$\""
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: advapi32::RegOpenKey error: code=$R4 hive=$\"$R8$\" key=$\"$R2$\"" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      System::Call "advapi32::RegQueryValueEx(i R6, t R3, i 0, *i .r9, p 0, *i 0 R7) i.R4"
      ${If} $R4 <> 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: advapi32::RegQueryValueEx (1) is failed, unexpected error code: code=$R4 length=$\"$R7$\""
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: advapi32::RegQueryValueEx (1) is failed, unexpected error code: code=$R4 length=$\"$R7$\"" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      ; remove trailing "\" character from the string to search
      StrCpy $R5 $R0 "" -1
      ${If} $R5 == "\"
        StrCpy $R0 $R0 -1
      StrLen $R8 $R0
      ; first buffer: length of being searched string + length of separator + length of string to search + length of null character
      IntOp $R5 $R8 + 1 ; ";"
      IntOp $R5 $R5 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      IntOp $R5 $R5 + $R7 ; already in bytes including null character
      ; allocate first dynamic buffer
      System::Alloc $R5
      Pop $0
      ${If} $0 = 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: System::Alloc (1) is failed: size=$R5"
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: System::Alloc (1) is failed: size=$R5" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      System::Call "advapi32::RegQueryValueEx(i R6, t R3, i 0, i 0, p r0, *i R5 R7) i.R4"
      ${If} $R4 <> 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: advapi32::RegQueryValueEx (2) is failed, unexpected error: code=$R4 length=$\"$R7$\""
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: advapi32::RegQueryValueEx (2) is failed, unexpected error: code=$R4 length=$\"$R7$\"" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      ; strip separator characters from the first buffer end
      ${If} $R7 > ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
        ; excluding null character
        IntOp $R5 $R7 - ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
        IntOp $R5 $R5 - ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
        IntOp $R9 $0 + $R5
        System::Call "*$R9(&t1 .r8)"
        ${If} $8 == ";"
          System::Call "*$R9(&t1 '')" ; null character
          IntOp $R7 $R7 - ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
          ${If} $R9 >= ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
            IntOp $R9 $R9 - ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
            Goto strip_loop1
      ; second buffer: length of separator + length of being searched string + length of separator + length of null character
      IntOp $R5 2 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} ; 2 x ";"
      IntOp $R5 $R5 + $R7 ; already in bytes including null character
      ; allocate second dynamic buffer
      System::Alloc $R5
      Pop $1
      ${If} $1 = 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: System::Alloc (2) is failed: size=$R5"
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: System::Alloc (2) is failed: size=$R5" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      System::Call "*$1(&t1 ';')"
      IntOp $R9 $1 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      System::Call "kernel32::lstrcpyn(p R9, p r0, i R7) p.R4"
      ${If} $R4 = 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: kernel32::lstrcpyn (1) is failed"
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: kernel32::lstrcpyn (1) is failed" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + $R7
      IntOp $R9 $R9 - ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} ; exclude last null character
      System::Call "*$R9(&t1 ';')"
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      System::Call "*$R9(&t1 '')" ; null character
      ; buffer for the string to search
      IntOp $R5 0 + 4 ; 2 x ";" + "\" + length of null character
      IntOp $R5 $R5 + $R8 ; excluding null character
      IntOp $R5 $R5 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      System::Alloc $R5
      Pop $2
      ${If} $2 = 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: System::Alloc (3) is failed: size=$R5"
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: System::Alloc (3) is failed: size=$R5" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      ; convert R8 (length of R0) to bytes
      IntOp $R8 $R8 * ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      ; `<Separator><StringToSearch><Separator>'
      System::Call "*$2(&t1 ';')"
      IntOp $R9 $2 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      System::Call "kernel32::lstrcpy(p R9, t R0) p.R4"
      ${If} $R4 = 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: kernel32::lstrcpy (2) is failed"
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: kernel32::lstrcpy (2) is failed" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + $R8 ; length does not include the last null character
      System::Call "*$R9(&t1 ';')"
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      System::Call "*$R9(&t1 '')" ; null character
      System::Call "shlwapi::StrStrI(p r1, p r2) p.R4"
      ${GotoIf} done "$R4 <> 0"
      ; `<Separator><StringToSearch>\<Separator>'
      System::Call "*$2(&t1 ';')"
      IntOp $R9 $2 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + $R8
      System::Call "*$R9(&t1 '\')"
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      System::Call "*$R9(&t1 ';')"
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      System::Call "*$R9(&t1 '')" ; null character
      System::Call "shlwapi::StrStrI(p r1, p r2) p.R4"
      ${GotoIf} done "$R4 <> 0"
      ; append to the first buffer
      IntOp $R9 0 + $0
      ${If} $R7 > ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
        IntOp $R9 $R9 + $R7
        IntOp $R9 $R9 - ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE} ; exclude last null character
        System::Call "*$R9(&t1 ';')"
        IntOp $R9 $R9 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      System::Call "kernel32::lstrcpy(p R9, t R0) p.R4"
      ${If} $R4 = 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: kernel32::lstrcpy (3) is failed"
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: kernel32::lstrcpy (3) is failed" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + $R8 ; length does not include the last null character
      System::Call "*$R9(&t1 '')" ; null character
      IntOp $R9 $R9 + ${NSIS_CHAR_SIZE}
      IntOp $R5 $R9 - $0
      System::Call "advapi32::RegSetValueEx(i R6, t R3, i 0, i r9, p r0, i R5) i.R4"
      ${If} $R4 <> 0
        DetailPrint "RegAddPathToVar: advapi32::RegSetValueEx (1) is failed"
        MessageBox MB_OK "RegAddPathToVar: advapi32::RegSetValueEx (1) is failed" /SD IDOK
        Goto done
      ; broadcast global event
      SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000
      System::Call "advapi32::RegCloseKey(i $R6)"
      ${If} $0 <> 0
        System::Free $0
      ${If} $1 <> 0
        System::Free $1
      ${If} $2 <> 0
        System::Free $2
      ${PopStack15} $R0 $R1 $R2 $R3 $R4 $R5 $R6 $R7 $R8 $R9 $0 $1 $2 $8 $9
    !define Call_RegAddPathToVar "!insertmacro Call_RegAddPathToVar"
    !macro Call_RegAddPathToVar prefix path hkey hkey_path env_var
    Push `${path}`
    Push `${hkey}`
    Push `${hkey_path}`
    Push `${env_var}`
    Call ${prefix}RegAddPathToVar
    !define RegAddPathToVar "!insertmacro RegAddPathToVar"
    !macro RegAddPathToVar
    !insertmacro Func_RegAddPathToVar ""
    !undef RegAddPathToVar
    !define RegAddPathToVar "${Call_RegAddPathToVar} ''"
    !define un.RegAddPathToVar "!insertmacro un.RegAddPathToVar"
    !macro un.RegAddPathToVar
    !insertmacro Func_RegAddPathToVar "un."
    !undef un.RegAddPathToVar
    !define un.RegAddPathToVar "${Call_RegAddPathToVar} 'un.'"
    ; include for install only
    Function Show
      nsDialogs::Create 1018
      Pop $DialogID
      ${NSD_CreateText} 0 16u 80% 14u "C:\MyPath\bin"
      Pop $EditID
      ${NSD_OnChange} $EditID WndProc
      ${NSD_CreateButton} 80% 16u 20% 14u "Append"
      Pop $ButtonAppendID
      ${NSD_OnClick} $ButtonAppendID WndProc
      StrCpy $R0 -1
      Call Update
    Function Leave
    Function WndProc
      System::Store SR0
      Call Update
      System::Store L
    Function Update
      ; read values
      ${If} $R0 = $EditID
      ${OrIf} $R0 = -1
        ${NSD_GetText} $EditID $Edit
      ${If} $R0 = $ButtonAppendID
        ${If} $Edit != ""
          #${RegAddPathToVar} "$Edit" HKCU "Environment" PATH ; for current user
          ${RegAddPathToVar} "$Edit" HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" PATH ; for all users
    Section -Hidden
    0 讨论(0)
  • You can create a windows batch file, pack it with the setup just like other files, on install unpack it to the plugins directory and execute it:

    File "/oname=$PluginsDir\appendvar.bat" "PathToScriptDir\appendvar.bat"
    nsExec::ExecToLog '"$SYSDIR\cmd.exe" /C "$PluginsDir\appendvar.bat" -g -all'
    Pop $R0 ; last error
    Delete "$PluginsDir\appendvar.bat"

    The appendvar.bat script (some kind of universal implementation for global and local append):

    @echo off
    rem Drop last error level
    cd .
    rem Create local variable's stack
    set "?~nx0=%~nx0"
    rem script flags
    rem set variable in global registry for a current user
    rem Set variable in global registry for all users.
    rem Has no meaning if global flag has not used.
    rem If setting global variable, then do include changes for a local cmd.exe process environment (by default, it is excluded)
    rem Has no meaning if global flag has not used.
    set __FLAG_SET_LOCAL=0
    rem Force append even if exist.
    set __FLAG_FORCE=0
    rem flags always at first
    set "__FLAG=%~1"
    if not "%__FLAG%" == "" ^
    if not "%__FLAG:~0,1%" == "-" set "__FLAG="
    if not "%__FLAG%" == "" (
      if "%__FLAG%" == "-g" (
      ) else if "%__FLAG%" == "-all" (
      ) else if "%__FLAG%" == "-l" (
        set __FLAG_SET_LOCAL=1
      ) else if "%__FLAG%" == "-f" (
        set __FLAG_FORCE=1
      ) else (
        echo.%?~nx0%: error: invalid flag: %__FLAG%
        exit /b -255
      ) >&2
      rem read until no flags
      goto FLAGS_LOOP
    if "%~1" == "" (
      echo.%?~nx0%: error: variable name is not set.
      exit /b 1
    set "__SEPARATOR="
    if not "%~3" == "" set "__SEPARATOR=%~3"
    if "%__SEPARATOR%" == "" set "__SEPARATOR=;"
    set "__SEPARATOR=%__SEPARATOR:~0,1%"
    set "__NEW_VALUE=%~2"
    rem remove trailing separator character
    if not "%__NEW_VALUE%" == "" (
      if "%__SEPARATOR%" == "%__NEW_VALUE:~-1%" (
        set "__NEW_VALUE=%__NEW_VALUE:~0,-1%"
    rem remove trailing "\" character
    if not "%__NEW_VALUE%" == "" (
      if "\" == "%__NEW_VALUE:~-1%" (
        set "__NEW_VALUE=%__NEW_VALUE:~0,-1%"
    if "%__NEW_VALUE%" == "" (
      if "%~2" == "" exit /b 0
      rem the variable value is a separator character only
      exit /b 2
    rem set local at least
    rem global setup
    set "__VAR_VALUE="
      set __FLAG_SET_GLOBAL_REGISTRY_WMIC_WHERE_EXP=where "Name='Path' and UserName='<SYSTEM>'"
    ) else (
      set __FLAG_SET_GLOBAL_REGISTRY_WMIC_WHERE_EXP=where "Name='Path' and UserName!='<SYSTEM>'"
    for /F "usebackq eol= tokens=1,* delims==" %%i in (`wmic environment %__FLAG_SET_GLOBAL_REGISTRY_WMIC_WHERE_EXP% get VariableValue /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if "%%i" == "VariableValue" set "__VAR_VALUE=%%j"
    if not "%__VAR_VALUE%" == "" (
      if "%__SEPARATOR%" == "%__VAR_VALUE:~-1%" (
        set "__VAR_VALUE=%__VAR_VALUE:~0,-1%"
    rem check on existance
    if "%__VAR_VALUE%" == "" goto SET_GLOBAL_IMPL
    if /i not "%__VAR_VALUE_TMP_EXCLUDED%" == "%__VAR_VALUE_TMP%" goto SET_GLOBAL_END
    if not "%__VAR_VALUE%" == "" (
      wmic environment %__FLAG_SET_GLOBAL_REGISTRY_WMIC_WHERE_EXP% set VariableValue="%__VAR_VALUE%%__SEPARATOR%%__NEW_VALUE%"
    ) else (
      wmic environment %__FLAG_SET_GLOBAL_REGISTRY_WMIC_WHERE_EXP% set VariableValue="%__NEW_VALUE%"
    if %__FLAG_SET_LOCAL% EQU 0 exit /b
    rem local setup
    call set "__VAR_VALUE=%%%~1%%"
    if not "%__VAR_VALUE%" == "" (
      if "%__SEPARATOR%" == "%__VAR_VALUE:~-1%" (
        set "__VAR_VALUE=%__VAR_VALUE:~0,-1%"
    rem check on existance
    if "%__VAR_VALUE%" == "" goto SET_LOCAL_IMPL
    if /i not "%__VAR_VALUE_TMP_EXCLUDED%" == "%__VAR_VALUE_TMP%" goto SET_LOCAL_END
    if not "%__VAR_VALUE%" == "" (
      set "%~1=%__VAR_VALUE%%__SEPARATOR%%__NEW_VALUE%"
    ) else (
      set "%~1=%__NEW_VALUE%"
    exit /b 0

    You can replace




    If want to prepend a variable value.

    Note: The script has issues:

    • values compares with ignore case
    • can update variables longer than 1024 characters (tested), but not longer than 4096 characters i think (not tested)
    • if -g and -all flags is used, then the cmd.exe process must be run under the administrator privileges.
    0 讨论(0)